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Melasma is a common skin condition in which brown patches appear on the skin typically caused by hormonal imbalances associated with pregnancy, birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapy. Since these patches are different than age and sunspots, they need to be treated differently. Our PicoSure laser destroys deeply saturated Melasma with dual function nano and picosecond pulse laser energy. The laser breaks down hard to treat brown patches with tiny, powerful pulse energy shattering the discoloration which then sheds naturally, over time to reveal clearer, even colored radiant skin.


  • Lightens and/or reduces stubborn Melasma

  • Creates and even skin tone

  • Promotes skin clarity

  • Minimal to no downtime 


How does it work?

Our PicoSure laser uses powerful technology designed to precisely target concentrations of dark melanin. The pulses of energy fragment the discoloration into smaller particles and the body slowly rejects and exfoliates the particles over 10-14 days.

What can I expect during treatment?

During your treatment, the laser delivers very short, quick nano and picosecond energy pulses to the area. This has been reported to feel like a slight stinging sensation. Your skin will become pink or flushed, which can last from a few hours to a full day. The session is quick and although very effective, a series of treatments are required for full results to be visualized.

What are the results?

Immediately following your treatment, you may experience some pink or redness. It will feel like a mild sunburn. This is normal and usually clears up after a few hours to a day. Within 24-48 hours, darkening of the Melasma will occur. This is normal! As the Melsama begins to fragment and break down the pigment, these darkened dead skin cells rise to the surface of your skin. Do not worry, these dead cells will then slowly shed through your body's natural exfoliation process. Treatments are recommended to be scheduled every 2-4 weeks apart to allow for your skin's natural exfoliation process to take place. Results typically last about a year with proper care and use of SPF. In addition, with the breakdown of pigmentation there will be a collagen production response, improving skin tone and elasticity. 

Is it safe?

Yes, it is very safe and effective in treating skin irregularities and discoloration associated with Melasma. During the treatment, the sensation is typically described as feeling like a mild rubber band snap on the skin. After your treatment, you may feel like a slight heating and burning sensation, like a mild sunburn. This will subside in a day or two.  

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